Finding Beauty In The World

Tina Bennet is an artist and photographer based in Geelong, Australia


Tina uses a number of different subject matter and loves to experiment and challenge herself with a range of different applications and styles. Still Life is the area she is always drawn back to. She loves grouping objects to create a story and a snap shot of a point in time. The use of both acrylic and oils provides a range of different effects with the richness of oils being her current focus.

Time to Eat - Acrylic on canvas

Skull Series - ‘Skull out of the blue’ - Oil on paper 30 x 42 cm

Pomegranates Over Time - Acrylic on Board 41cm x 41 cm - Sold

Skull Series - Skull Over Time - Oil on paper 41cm x 30cm

Skull Series - ‘Skull in. the box’ - Oil on paper 30 x 42 cm

Time to relax - Acrylic on Board 30 cm x 30 cm - Sold

Life Drawing

Art Practice - It’s all about practice

Following are a series of work practicing techniques, colour, drawing, brush strokes, light, contrast


Tina works with both an iPhone and digital camera in her photography, with a focus on a range of different genres. Like her painting, the use of still life as a genre provides the perfect platform to present images that express the beauty and joy in the world around her. 

Delicate Hellebores - 49cm x 38cm

Bunny Tails - 38cm x 49cm

Pomegranates Over Time - 49cm x 38cm

Everlasting - 38cm x 49cm

Sublime - 49cm x 38cm

As Light as a Feather

Black and white photography

“Where have all the people gone?” - Galli Sri Lanka 2022

‘Shooting the breeze’ - Melbourne city GPO 2022

‘The Shoe man of Sri Lanka’ - Sri Lanka 2022

‘Grandpa’s safe hands’ - Gellibrand 2023

‘What big teeth you have’ - Geelong 2023

Marty’s Selection

A client requested a series of images that highlighted the beauty of Geelong and surrounding areas. The photos selected by the client for display in his home are featured below.

Geelong Botanical Gardens